
'"My civilian counterparts often focus on men over the age of 55," Franklin said, "but for me in the VA and my partners on the [Defense Department] side, the 18-to-34-year-old rate has increased by 10 percent over the last two years -- five percent each year over the last two years." Franklin was citing 2016 statistics in the VA's National Suicide Data Report, released in September. The report stated that the suicide rate for young veterans increased to 45 deaths per 100,000 population in 2016, up from 40.4 in 2015 and about 35 in 2014.' - military .com december 4th, 2018 'White supremacists urge trolling Clinton supporters to suicide' 'A post by the publisher of DailyStormer urges readers to harass female Twitter users who supported Hillary Clinton.' - u
leland keyser  posted  a fb pic of her neck injury xrays: heavy dot com says fox news ' the five ' co host bob beckel was married to leland ingham beckel from 1992 to 2002 they have two children alex and mackenzie leland ingham keyser then married john keyser and she was a golf pro at georgetown university and was named the first women's golf coach at georgetown university in 2001 according to  georgetown university athletics  during leland ingham keyser's fourth year (2005) as women's golf coach at georgetown university she took medical leave for an yet undisclosed injury the georgetown gazette says leland's fb
FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 2018 fdr entered the oval office with one of the  largest mandates ever and a national emergency only to go on to win the  largest electoral college tally   in his reelection bid in 1936 google says it uses cookies for metric data proceed if that is okay with you fdr's liberal 1933 new deal created the greatest economic expansion in world history   here's a graph with a data set sourced from here after the largest tax cuts in history created the great depression  : history of top tax bracket   t h e dow according to trump supporters   mises .com says debt grew more under bush and reagan than under obama nasdaq says  obama lowers oil prices with iran deal finalized in 2015 gdp historical   st louis fed crude oil prices historical from 1990 chevy v